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Meet us

Our organization is made up of professionals in psychology, psychiatry, medicine, law, communication, and management.

We advocate for reporting cases of violence and abuse. We work to end torture.



Pau Pérez Sales

Clinical Director

Gabriela López Neyra

Technical Coordinator and Head of Strategic Planning.

Andrea Galán Santamarina

Head of Research

Esther Fraile Julián

Head of Migration and Psychosocial Area

Lluís Elias

Head of advocacy. Project coordinator

Maria Antonietta Reyes

Head of Administration and Management

Sebas Rodríguez

Head of Communications

Paula Sebastián Gascón

Head of Training

Gemma Gómez Ruzafa

Barcelona Team Coordinator

Mireia Pérez

Head of Bodywork Therapy

Paula de la Fuente

Head of Medical Services

Sara López Martín

Head of Legal Work

Volunteer Contributors

Sira – Barcelona
  • Gemma Gómez. Psychologist
  • Ángela Viviana. Psychologist
  • Sergi Sendra. Psychologist
  • Helena Mariné. Psychologist
  • Laia Soler. Art Therapist
  • Eulàlia Padró. Therapist
Sira – Madrid
  • Ana Moreno. Psychiatrist
  • Marina Parras. Doctor
  • David. R. Collada. Psychologist
  • Pedro Cuadrado. Psychiatrist
  • Jesús Guerra. Psychologist
  • Lucía Cortés. Psychologist
  • Facundo Corrado. Jurist
Other territories
  • Lourdes Carrasco. Psychologist
  • María Sarasola. Psychologist
  • Clara González Sanguino. Psychologist
  • Julia Manek. Psychologist
  • Victoria Zunzunegui. Epidemiologist
  • Raluca Cosmi. Psychologist

Research area

Pau Pérez Sales

Clinical Director

Andrea Galán Santamarina

Head of Research

Julia Manek


Clara González Sanguino


Raluca Cosmina Budian


Victoria Zunzunegui


Board of directors

Integrated by the head of strategic planning, clinical director, legal officer, technical team representative, and advisory board member.

Advisory Board

People responsible for overseeing the work carried out in the organization. The group includes professionals with extensive experience in human rights advocacy, as well as individuals who are survivors of abuse and torture cases.

Mariana Zaragoza

Jorge del Cura

Founder of the Association against Torture (ACT) in Spain

Rosa García

President of Memory Association La Comuna

Aziz Zaghnane

Helena Solà

OMCT Director of Anti-Torture Programme

Rim Ben Ismail

How can we help you?

We document human rights violations and provide comprehensive support to the victims. We are a team specialized in documenting cases of abuse and torture, using, among other methods, the Istanbul Protocol.


We provide comprehensive support to the victims We offer clinical care to support the psychological and psychiatric rehabilitation of individuals.


Universal Attention

We assist any person victimized by human rights violations, regardless of their political stance, social class, purchasing power, ethnic origin, religion, or any other personal condition.


Istanbul Protocol

We specialize in documenting cases of mistreatment and torture using the Istanbul Protocol.


The Center for the Care of Victims of Torture, Sira,
is a network of therapeutic, legal, and psychosocial support,
specializing in contexts of violence.

Calle Pinos Baja, 41
28029 Madrid

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