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Body Therapies

We offer various disciplines to help integrate body and mind. There are emotions that are very difficult to verbalize, but that the body is capable of releasing.

Therapeutic Attention

Our center provides specialized therapeutic care to survivors of trauma, crisis, or grief experiences, from a psychosocial, transcultural, systemic, and gender perspective. We work to help individuals affected by violence regain their coping mechanisms.




This discipline trains a way of being in the present moment. We incorporate the body into the work to reduce emotional reactivity and promote well-being, thereby facilitating connection with oneself and the surroundings.


Mindfulness, both mental and bodily, promotes deliberate pause. From this pause, we develop the ability to listen and respond consciously, kindly, and carefully to most situations in life. Being present and aware in each moment, with kindness and equanimity, dissolves much of the stress we usually feel and keeps us from being reactive.


Individuals or groups who want or need to rediscover and strengthen their internal resources for managing their emotions, especially those intense and sometimes overwhelming ones. Emotions that, in most cases, generate deep discomfort and sometimes paralyzing distress. Emotions that, in most cases, generate deep discomfort and sometimes paralyzing distress.


Mindfulness blends meditative practice with bodywork. It doesn't require any prior preparation or knowledge of any kind, just the commitment to maintain the daily practice suggested in the workshop.




Body is a system where emotional and physical experiences are clearly interconnected, which is why trauma work must also be addressed at the bodily level. We want to improve the well-being of participants through connection with their body. The body as a regulatory element and as a life force.


It improves self-esteem and our relationship with our body. Through the sessions, we will connect with our vitality, learn to listen to our body, manage our emotions, and incorporate practices that promote well-being and enjoyment. Additionally, we will discover our emotional regulation tools and integrate new techniques.


Individuals or groups who want or need to rediscover and explore new internal resources to manage their emotions through the body.


We will use breathing techniques, guided meditations, body scanning, basic tai-chi and yoga techniques, bioenergetics tools, energy centers, as well as incorporate elements or objects that promote creativity and movement.

A therapeutic space for creative self-encounter and connection with others, aimed at emotional well-being. An opportunity to express oneself through materials, with plastic-visual productions, writing, etc.


Art Therapy


Art therapy is a discipline that focuses on the emotional well-being of individuals through the reintegration of their creative abilities. It encourages experimentation with various materials according to the user's needs and strengthens the ability to listen to oneself and resonate within, based on experiences during the sessions.


Individuals or groups who want or need to rediscover and strengthen their internal resources to manage their emotions. Art therapy aims to promote emotional health through attention and nurturing of a person's potentialities.


Sessions are divided into three parts: (1) Contextualization, a moment to situate oneself in the space and make it one's own; (2) Continuation, where the work proposal can be from the participant or from the therapist; and (3) Closure, where participants share the experiences they have had. This space seeks to link the person's experiences with what is discovered in therapy.

Art therapy is a discipline that advocates for the care of the individual by addressing their emotional health through the reintegration of their creative capacities.

It works holistically with the individual, starting from their uniqueness; embracing their complexity and that of their life circumstances, without reducing them to their symptoms and difficulties; fostering their creative capacities. The art therapist welcomes the person in a way that makes them feel accepted, recognized, and confident enough to engage in a creative encounter.

It proposes conditions of space, time, and materials, deeply listening to one’s own needs and providing the necessary support for the development of a process that will be both expressive and introspective. This encourages the individual to feel vital and creative in their own existence. For this purpose, the therapist will encourage the person to create art in various forms such as visual, auditory, physical, dramatic, or written expressions, among others.

Definition of Miquel Izuel Curià, President of the GREFART Association.

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The Center for the Care of Victims of Torture, Sira,
is a network of therapeutic, legal, and psychosocial support,
specializing in contexts of violence.

Calle Pinos Baja, 41
28029 Madrid

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