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Privacy Policy

Find all the details about our privacy policies in this section.

Legal Notice

The design of the portal and its source codes, as well as the logos, brands, and other distinctive signs that appear on it, belong to SIRA SIN RAZON APARENTE and are protected by the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights.


Data Protection Officer

Sira, located at Calle Pinos Baja 41, is responsible for the personal data collected through the browsing and use of this website in accordance with the requirements established by REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons, as well as with Law 34/2002 of July 11 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE).

By using this website, we understand that you have read and understood the information presented regarding the processing of your personal data.

Data Protection Policy

The responsible party applies the principle of active responsibility in the processing of personal data, maintaining constant updates and promoting continuous improvement of the data protection system in accordance with legal requirements, ensuring in all cases:

  • Respect for the fundamental rights and freedoms of natural persons
  • The data is processed lawfully, fairly, and transparently
  • The data processed is accurate, adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which it is collected
  • The data processed is accurate, adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which it is collected.

The purpose of this document is to inform users about what we do with their personal data, how it is collected, what it is used for, their rights, and all the necessary legal information established by current regulations.

Data Collected, Purpose, and Legitimacy

The personal data processed is provided by users through the forms available on this website and is the minimum necessary to:

  • Send you information about our products/services
  • Respond to inquiries
  • Process orders, as well as to issue the corresponding invoices, inform about the status of orders, handle complaints, and any other management derived from the service provided through this website

These purposes are based on legal principles for the processing of data collected by current regulations: for the execution of a contract or the provision of a service to users, for compliance with legal obligations, for legitimate interest, and with the consent of the users.

Web Forms

Personal data collected through the contact web form is used to respond to any inquiries made by the user through it. Personal data collected in the order form is intended to handle the necessary data for the proper management of your orders.

The processing of the data is legitimized by the consent you give us by expressly accepting the conditions of the processing informed through this privacy policy.

Data Recipients

The personal data obtained through the web forms are recorded and stored on electronic media controlled and supervised by the data controller.

Your personal data will not be communicated to third parties, except when such communication is supported by a legal obligation or when it is necessary for the correct provision of the service or the execution of the contract to communicate your data to third parties to process payment (payment gateways) and to manage the delivery of products (carriers), supported by the needs of the service. Payment through other payment gateways, we recommend the user read the privacy policy to understand how personal information is handled, for example:

Redsys Servicios de Procesamiento, S.L. (“Redsys”), located in Madrid, calle Francisco Sancha, number 12, with C.I.F. number B-85955367, fully complies with the current legislation on the protection of personal data and the confidentiality commitments inherent to its activity. Redsys has adopted the necessary technical measures to maintain the required level of security. You can see their privacy policy at REDSYS.ES

PayPal (Europe) S.à.r.l. et Cie, S.C.A. (R.C.S. Luxembourg B 118 349), whose privacy policy establishes the appropriate security measures for the correct processing of users’ personal data. You can see their privacy policy at PAYPAL.COM

For cases where the communication of data to third parties is not supported by the legal bases established in the previous section, the communication of data to other recipients will only be carried out if the user has given their express consent.

Strict criteria for selecting data processors and the contractual commitment with each of them to comply with and enforce the obligations established in data protection matters are maintained.

In the event that there are international data transfers to Sira, it will ensure that the transfer of your personal data is carried out in accordance with applicable privacy laws and, in particular, that the necessary contractual, technical, and organizational measures, such as the standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission, are applied.

You can obtain more information about the processing of personal data in our organization by requesting it at the email: SIRA@REDSIRA.NET.

Technical and Organizational Data Protection Measures

The media has the necessary technical and organizational measures that ensure the confidentiality and preservation of the personal data obtained through the web.

Personal data collected from the web is processed using the HTML protocol with a valid SSL certificate.

The personnel involved in data processing operations: access, editing, deletion, etc., are trained, knowledgeable, and committed to this data protection policy.

Data Retention

Personal data obtained through the contact form will be retained for the necessary time to address the request/inquiry made.

Personal data obtained through the order form will be retained as long as there is a contractual and/or commercial relationship with you or until you exercise your right to deletion, cancellation, and/or limitation of the processing of your data.

After the contractual relationship has ended, we will keep the information duly blocked, without any use, while it may be necessary for the exercise or defense of claims or may derive any type of judicial, legal, or contractual responsibility from its treatment, which must be attended to and for which it is necessary to recover.

In the case that you have expressly accepted the sending of commercial information, we will retain your contact data until you inform us of your decision to cancel such commercial communications.

Information on the Existence of Automated Decisions (Including Profiling)

We generally do not make automated decisions, but when we do, we will make it clear that such a decision is being made. However, Sira includes several sections dedicated to service customization to display personalized advertising when entering its website and also for sending personalized communications.

Sira acknowledges the possibility of profiling to improve its product offering or to personalize the sending of commercial offers or provide a more personalized customer service.

Objection to Data Processing for Advertising Purposes

If you gave your consent for your data to be used for advertising purposes and you no longer wish to receive advertising, you can revoke the consent given at any time by sending an email to the responsible party at SIRA@REDSIRA.NET.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

We may modify the information contained in this Privacy Policy and Cookies when we deem it appropriate. In case we do so, we will notify you through different means on the Platform (for example, through a banner, a pop-up, or a push notification), or even we may communicate it to your email address when the change in question is significant to your privacy, so that you can review the changes, evaluate them, and, if applicable, oppose or unsubscribe from any service or functionality. In any case, we suggest that you review this Privacy Policy and Cookies from time to time in case there are minor changes or we introduce some interactive improvement.

The Center for the Care of Victims of Torture, Sira,
is a network of therapeutic, legal, and psychosocial support,
specializing in contexts of violence.

Calle Pinos Baja, 41
28029 Madrid

Privacy Policy
Legal Notice

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